Q&A Category: 1) Application
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Q&A Category: 1) Application
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May I submit multiple applications? |
I have received two e-mails with username and PW. I guess this is because I submitted "Application" page two times. Which one should I use? |
I made some mistakes when filling the application form and submitted. Can I delete this one and submit a new one? |
I cannot enter my account with my username and password that you have given me. |
May I apply for two different laboratories? |
My major is not directly related to any of the laboratory choices. Can I still apply? |
Is there any application fee? |
How much is the participation fee? |
Is it possible to request a participation fee waiver. If yes, how should I request? |
I don't have a family name and my full name is my given name. In this case, is it alright to leave the space for family name blank? |
I don't have a passport now, so I cannot upload it in my application page. Can my application still be reviewed anyway? |
I chose different laboratories for my first and second preference. Who should my Cover Letter be addressed to? |
Is there the minimum score for TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC required in order to apply. |
I am from India, and have been educated since elementary school in English. Should I still submit a certificate of English proficiency? |
I have no TOEFL, IELTS, or TOEIC score sheet, and I am short on time to take any of these tests before the application deadline. Can I submit a test score of other institutions? |
My school does not show GPA on my transcript. What should I write in the item of GPA in "Application" page? |
My supervisor will send the recommendation letter directly to the UTSIP office. How can I check whether the letter is submitted or not. |
Do I still need to upload the recommendation letter if my supervisor sends it to the UTSIP office? |
I cannot access my "Application" page at the last minute before the deadline. How can I upload my files? |
I have missed the deadline and could not upload one application material. Will my application be accepted? |
I have not received the result of my application. |
I will be in a remote area where internet connection is very weak or non-existent in March. |
I am a national of the UK, and English is my first language. Do I need to submit anything under "Certificate of English Proficiency", or can I leave it as "unsubmitted"? |