The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences International Liaison Office

The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences International Liaison Office
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About ILO

The University of Tokyo
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

About ILO


The International Liaison Office (ILO) serves the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences (GSFS), The University of Tokyo, by providing the following services:


  1. for prospective international students by facilitating requests for admission with pre-enrollment scholarships
  2. for our international students and researchers by providing information on visas and scholarships and by organizing Japanese language classes and activities introducing Japanese culture
  3. for international visitors by arranging meetings with GSFS staff and providing resources and logistical support
  4. for GSFS faculty members and staff by providing assistance with visitors from overseas and establishing international agreements for academic exchanges with overseas educational and research institutions
  5. for GSFS students by providing students with overseas education information


International Liaison Office
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
The University of Tokyo

Room 120, Environmental Studies Building
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan

04-7136-4561 (From overseas: +81 4 7136 4561)
04-7136-4560 (From overseas: +81 4 7136 4560)
ilo.secretariat[at] (replace ‘[at]’ with ‘@’)

*For access information, please click

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International Liaison Office
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

Room 120, Environmental Studies Building
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
Phone: 04-7136-4561 (From overseas: +81 4 7136 4561)
Fax: 04-7136-4560 (From overseas: +81 4 7136 4560)

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