The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences International Liaison Office

The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences International Liaison Office
TOP >  For Current International Students >  University Procedures >  UTokyo Course Catalogue

The University of Tokyo
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

UTokyo Course Catalogue

The details of the course registration will be explained at the orientations for new students organized by GSFS and by each department. Before submitting class schedules to the Student Affairs Team or registration on the UT-mate system, be sure to obtain your advisor’s approval regarding your proposed selection of courses.

Exchange students also need to obtain your advisor’s approval regarding your proposed selection of courses. You can also take courses of graduate schools other than GSFS (e.g. School of Engineering) as long as the courses you take are relevant to your research.

You can search courses at the following website “The University of Tokyo Online Course Catalogue”.

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International Liaison Office
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

Room 120, Environmental Studies Building
5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan
Phone: 04-7136-4561 (From overseas: +81 4 7136 4561)
Fax: 04-7136-4560 (From overseas: +81 4 7136 4560)

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